Guest 77
JoinedTopics Started by Guest 77
And the beat goes on !
by Guest 77 inok, everyone sing along with me, "and the beat goes on....." yes, the rollcoaster has left the terminal and as bette davis said, 'hang on, were in for a bumpy ride.
' well, words to that effect.
the news media will now have a field day.
'Innocent As Doves' Approach?
by Guest 77 inthe org.
will take the 'cautious as serpents and innocent as dove' approach to this entire escapade.
as you know, a serpent has a split tongue.
Problem - Java Scripts
by Guest 77 inmy problem is getting tons of java scripts 'only' when i come on this forum.
i've contacted a local technician and he is dumbfounded.
i intially had problems getting on this forum for reasons i cannot explain, then, when i finally hit base, these java scripts/gremlins took over.
Verbal Gymnastics
by Guest 77 inok, feel free to comment.
what verbal gymnastics will the org.
use to offset the pedohilia story that will air on dateline?
What Are Civic Duties?
by Guest 77 inyes, would running for community service such as an administrator for a town, considered political?
would it be a mark of the beast?
if you answer yes, what is the mark of the beast?
PRICELESS, True Story!
by Guest 77 inwhile cleaning up my desk to make room for new garbage, i came up with this e-mail that was sent to me by my brother-in-law (non-witness) policeman and i thought i would share it with you for a twist in the action.
please bear with me.. "this is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at clemson university and even jay leno mentioned it.
it was a huge wedding with 300 guests.
Help When Help Is Requested
by Guest 77 ini am writing this post in light of what sharon roe's said in her closing comments to the news-register, " if you're hurting,she says,get help.
if you see someone hurting, reach out.
i don't often write lengthy letters, but after reading sharon's letter, i was compelled to share a letter that i had written to an elder who took it upon himself to say that i was not repentant and this led to my expulsion.
What happened To The Plane At The Pentegon?
by Guest 77 inplease check it out..
if someone can make it easier to click into the site, please do so.. .
guest 77
Pedophilia & Door to Door Work?
by Guest 77 inthe newspapers in boston are not letting up on the churchs' allowance of pedophile priests and cardinal.
if there getting this type of heat what should the witnesses expect when this subject matter becomes public?
will not people become suspicious thinking that the next witness knocking at their door may be a pedophile?
Clutches Of Fear & Guilt?
by Guest 77 ini'm interested in knowing how many are still in the clutches of fear and guilt and what have you doing about it.
i'm also interested in succes stories.
your thoughts and actions will help others to free themselves from these destructive seeds resulting in a better and a happier life.. .